Wednesday, July 11, 2012

#Photos & #AnimatedGIFs as #WritingPrompts? #engchat #edchat

#Photos & #AnimatedGIFs as #WritingPrompts? #engchat #edchat

I've been thinking recently about fun and quirky ways to inspire students to write creatively... And then I came across this:

"Puppy Business Meeting"

And this:

"Dramatic Pug"

These two images got me thinking: 'Wow, I really have a massive bias towards pictures of dogs."

Moving beyond my fascination with canine photography, I began to wonder what kinds of creativity would be sparked by asking students to write a brief story about what is going on in one of these photos / animated GIFs.

For example, what might a video game loving student write about this:

"Sheep Ring Activated!"

Or, when asked to write a short story with monologue/dialogue, what creativity might this animated GIF provoke:

"Human, Help Me."

(OK, you got me; I only included a cat to balance out all the dogs in this post...)

And, of course, if we're interested in delivering more "traditional" Language Arts lessons, there's always this (another dog!):

"Commas Do Matter."

Or this classic English-language pangram:

[If you can't guess it, click here to reveal the answer!]

In sum, can quirky photos and animated GIFs lead to creative writing fun?  Experiment!

PS: Major apologies if the numerous moving images on this page have given you, dear reader, a massive migraine or flashbacks to the days of MySpace pages.  It had to be done.

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